Sunday, March 8, 2009

The last round

Tomorrow is my last round of chemo. I am so excited. I have pretty good the last couple days and have been taking care of my sicky husband so I pray I don't get sick. I think he might have gotten food poisoning, not the flu, but you never know. I did a full house cleaning today so I hope that I got any flu bug in the house.

Can you believe I have been going through chemo for over 3 months? Initially, the time went slow but as the rounds passed, so did the time. I am looking forward to not feeling sick for several days and getting back to the gym. I also have to have a MUGA done tomorrow at 8am. That's a heart test to make sure my ticker is ticking ok.

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts during this difficult 4 months. I am so thankful for everyone's support!!!! I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.....

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