Monday, November 24, 2008

The first day of chemo...

Well, I feel fine now. It was another long day. The best news I got at 9am...NO CANCER IN THE LYMPHNODES!!!! Then it was off to chemo. We had a little chat with the doc to do everything we can to increase our chances of having children in the future, then the IV was put into my port and the medicines started. Drip, drip, drip for many hours. It took longer today b/c they explained things. And I had to have a heart test done to keep track of my cells and all that. Luckily, my heart is in great shape as well as all my cells. But, that will change. I like my port, it has served me well for the first day. Although my armpit has a mind of it's own...a nerve's mind. The nerves are getting feeling back so it feels like my armpit is wet or bugs might be in it (I know, that's gross) but it's just the nerves coming back to life.

I truly know why God has chosen me to have breast cancer. It is to educate my friends, my family, and those I don't even know yet. If it weren't for one of my good friends, I wouldn't have taken it so seriously (maybe). Although I would do anything to take her cancer away. I can't stress self breast examination enough and also, get a second, third or even fourth opionion if you need to if you find a lump. You know your body better than anyone, anyone---and that includes doctors. Insurance companies slap their hands for overreacting. But, if those companies had any sense, they would push preventative measures, rather than reactive.

Speaking of God, I told him that he could throw us a bone and sell my house. Apparently he has a sense of humor and threw us the bone, but had an invisibal rope tied to it b/c we almost had an offer and the guy found a house closer to his sisters!!! This is supposed to be a funny paragraph, don't be offended about teasing God. He's heard it all. Plus, I have alot to thank him for.

I hope you are all doing well. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I don't know how I will feel tomorrow, that's when the nauseu will/might start. I'm going to try and go to work, but we'll see what happens.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday season. Thanks to the wonderful nurse I had today. She had to work late, as I was the only one left. And thanks to all of those women, including Tracy, who have pushed and pushed for more and more, not accepting "no" for an answer and brought us to where we are today with medicine.


Martin Kahland Jr. AKA PCJ said...

Tracy, You are in my thoughts and prayers. So glad to hear your good news today!!! Wendy Kahland

Belinda said...
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Belinda said...

Hope you're feeling okay this week! I was thinking about you Monday and wondering if it was going okay. Glad to hear the port worked well! If I don't talk to you, have a nice Thanksgiving (hopefully you'll be able to pig out!) with your new husband!! Methinks you'll sell the house soon! Sorry I deleted the last comment because I forgot to say how very, very grateful I am that this was caught before it spread into the lymph nodes!!! WooHOO!